Constant change and unpredictability have become the norm.
For teams to thrive in the face of uncertainty and adversity, we crafted an innovative approach, with a proprietary tool to diagnose and develop antifragility in teams.
We designed a modular program for leaders to deliver sustained high performance with their teams.
Module 1:
Module 2:
Module 3:
Module 4:
The path to greatness centers on the transformation process of the most important unit in the organization - the team. High-performing teams rely on crafting a compelling purpose, as well as on the right structure, membership and culture that will bring its purpose to life.
As leaders drive this team transformation journey, their self-awareness on their beliefs, actions and impact plays the most important role in the outcome of the whole process. Clarity fosters responsibility.
Team transformation delivers the best results when it goes beyond the team boundaries and the whole organization acts like a great a team of teams.
Our contribution is to enable leaders, teams and organisations to put it all together in a coherent, engaging and result-oriented way.
We came together in service of teams because too often we met great people who struggled to fulfil their true potential in their roles, both as a leader or as a member of a leadership team.
All of us acquire hard-earned knowledge and experience in the day-to-day practice of getting results together with others.
We decided to add to the individual contribution what research and science has to offer in the field of team performance.
As practitioners, being ourselves leaders and members of many teams for many years, we can help our clients optimally combine the benefits of their experience and intuition with worldwide validated methods of achieving sustainable high-performance of their teams.
Teamology Institute
Teamology Institute
Teamology Institute
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Registration for open program
Registration for open program
Registration for open program
Module 2: Leadership
Module 1: Structure
Module 1: Structure
Registration for open program